Special Issue on health communication:
Building resilience through a trauma-informed approach

Acknowledgements, Editors’ Note
Introduction to animation documentaries by Zachary Zezima
Part I – On building resilience, a trauma informed approach
Dortell Williams
A life trajectory of traumas: Developing resilience in the face of microaggressions 13
Daniel Whitlow
Desperately developing resiliency: Creating healing in the face of trauma 23
James Cain
Trauma Informed Care: Overcoming the limitations and barriers of prison with anxiety/uncertainty management theory 30
Allen Burnett, Jimmie Gilmer, Marvin Johnson, Duncan Martinez, Dortell Williams
Resilience as a mission and vision: A collaboration in alignment with Cal State LA 33
Terry Don Evans
Retelling life experience to make sense of trauma: Remembering Butch 36
Tin Nguyen
Building resilience with service dogs: Paws for Life bootcamp 40
Duncan A. Martinez
A patient-centered allegory: Chronicles of patient-provider communication 42
Part II – Performance Scripts
Jimmie Gilmer
Building resilience Stories: Actual vs ideal scenes 52
James Heard, Duncan Martinez, Dortell Williams
Rising on Affirmations 54
Tin Nguyen
Reality Check 56
Jesse Crespin, Terry Don Evans, Robert Mosely, Jerold A. Walton
Teacup: Rituals of Grief 59
Part III—Research proposals & autoethnographies
Terry Bell, Samuel Nathaniel Brown, Thaisan Nguon, Larry Torres, and Dara Yin
Stress and resilience: College students during emerging adulthood 64
Dortell Williams
The framework of memorable messages 79
Allen Burnett
The power of group therapy 86
Marvin Johnson, Darren Robinson, Daniel Whitlow, James Cain, Dortell Williams
Q&A: Random selection of class prompts 89
Jesse Crespin
Thoughts on the “Teach Back method 97
Robert Mosley
On the evolution of a trauma-informed approach 100
Selected quotes
Resiliency in motion and best practices in health communication: Closing thoughts 104
Part IV -- Supplements: Glossary of terms and handouts
A glossary of terms 108
Seven components of resilience (handout) 112
Ten elements of competence in using “Teach Back” effectively (handout) 115
Window of tolerance graphic (handout) 116
Call for new submissions